Hindu Boy Loves a Pentacostal Christian

golu says: April 28, 2016 at 6:27 am

Hello Rajesh
If you are not married till now i would like to share a few things with you.
If your girl truly believes Jesus then she wouldn’t accept to doing fake conversions.If God really speaks to you then go ahead with it.

I am a pentecostal girl whom a HIndu boy loves a lot.He is loving me for the last 3 years.But till now I haven’t given commitment and we are not bf or gf.He told me that he will convert for me to christianity but the only ting I told him was that i dont want anyone to convert to JEsus just to marry me.I will pray for this and if its his will we can eventually be together in the future.

I liked him a lot but that deosn’t mean I will be so blind that I will ask him to convert.
Recently i came to know through mutual friends that after I stopped talking to him,hes’s into alcohol which i feared the most.But i cannot be a emotional fool and commit to him.Rajesh think carefully and only then decide. -Golu

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1 Comment

  • April 29, 2016 7:40 pm


    It is good not to fake-convert just for marriage. It has no meaning and will create lots of problems later. For a Hindu, he may have many Gods and Jesus is one more for him, no issue. After 6 months into the marriage, he could easily go back to his roots and you will be helpless after marriage.

    After marriage, are you planning to be a part of his joint Hindu family?

    If he is an alcoholic and not committed to your faith, why to bother with such a guy. Why don’t you look for someone from your own church who believes exactly like you (at least faith wise)?

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